The Art of Bovine Auscultation: An illustrated guide to cardiac, respiratory and gastrointestinal sounds.
Jonathan M. Naylor, DVM, MRCVS, Diplomate American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, Diplomate American College of Veterinary Nutrition.
690 Mb. Requires Windows 95 or higher, works best with a high speed CD-ROM (at least 20 x)
150 Pages
78 Illustrations (Detailed images, diagrams and pathological findings)
19 Sound Files, 80 Movies (Ausculation, percussion and succussion findings are illustrated with our unique synchronous visual interpretations.)
ISBN 0-9687212-3-0
An illustrated guide to sounds heard through a stethoscope. The gastro-intestinal concentrates on the identification and interpretation of abdominal sounds – grunts, percussion, pings, succussion splashes and motility sounds. The section is divided into two parts. The first deals with the common diagnostic methods that require a stethoscope; it has sections on auscultation findings, percussion, succussion and the grunt test. Each test method is illustrated along with normal and abnormal findings; this gives clinicians common methodology and a common vocabulary. The second section documents the visual, auscultation, percussion and succussion findings in the common abdominal diseases of cattle.
The cardiovascular section shows normal cardiac auscultation findings along with the findings in the common cardiac disorders of cattle – sinus tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, premature ventricular contractions, endocarditis, ventricular septal defects and patent ductus arteriosus.
The respiratory section display auscultation findings in normal cattle and in the common upper and lower respiratory diseases of cattle – calf diphtheria, bacterial pneumonia, pleuritis and atypical interstitial pneumonia. It is illustrated with images from necropsy, in some cases overlaid by the auscultation findings in life.
See what hear, say what you mean, correctly interpret and diagnose auscultation findings.
$69 (Individual)
$899 (University Site)
$12 (Home use license for registered students at Universities of Queensland, Sydney, Adelaide, Nottingham, Calgary, Illinois, Minnesota, no CD)
Watch an annotated example below. The example is a quarter actual size to facilitate transmission over the web. The video on CD is four times larger and clearer.